Smart Choice Electronic Recycling is family operated by owner, Clayton and help from his wife, Nicole. They strive to make their local community a more clean environment for everyone around them and for the future of their four children.
Let's help make our local community a green community!
How Items Are Recycled
How Items Are Recycled
When individuals and businesses drop off their electronics at Smart Choice Electronic Recycling, we will weigh and pay you accordingly by the pound. After you recycle your electronics, we then sort them and sell them to a processor who will break down the products into raw materials and precious metals.
What We Accept
What We Accept
We recycle all damaged, unwanted and used electronics in any condition. Below is a list of some items that we accept. If you have any questions about what we recycle, feel free to call ahead.
Go Green Today
Go Green Today
Smart Choice Electronic Recycling rewards the local community with the proper payment for recycling electronics and ensuring that they are safely disposed of.
Cell Phones and Telephones
Fax Machines
Radios (speakers and receivers)
Video game consoles and accessories
Audio/Video players and recorders
and much more!
No Appointment Necessary!
No Appointment Necessary!